Thursday, March 1, 2012

Move in day

Today is move in Day!  It was probably one of the worst days ever.  Let me set the stage for you....picture a tiny apartment, 5 moving guys, Scott, the kids and me, boxes everywhere, the door propped open for easy access to the apartment.  Scott and I directing where to put the boxes, trying to keep Mikey occupied and out of the way (while he wants to help, aka; get in the way), keeping both kids on schedule (feeding/naps).  Keeping Katie entertained, while I immediately want to start unpacking and putting things away.  I am completely OCD..... it's driving me crazy that I can't do it all, all at the same time.  It was a hell of a day, one that I'm glad is over!  Here's just a few pics of that day.
Mikey giving the little bug a squeeze before we start our day.

Ready for our walk around the corner to our new apt.

It was a cold day, so Miss Katie was bundled up!

What is to be our living room.

The kids room.

Master room.

Keeping Katie occupied while we finish the unpacking.

Passed out from exhaustion. (He can work an Ipad like the best of them!)

Passed out while his hands down his pants.

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