Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sentimental Heirlooms

I have been wanting to create this post for a while.....a long while....probably for at least a year.

I initially started this blog as a way for those far and away Grandparents to see what the kids and Scott and I are up to and possibly add a smile to their face or give them some stories to tell to their friends over a meal, cup of tea or card game.  I wanted to use modern technology to connect us at a deeper level that hundreds or thousands of miles prevented us from physically doing.

Over the past week, I was restricted to doing absolutely nothing.  It gave me the time needed to really reflect on everything that we've done over the past 3 or 4 or 5 years and I was also able to read many of the previous posts on our family blog.  I realized that this blog, while initially created for the primary purpose of those far and away Grandparents, over time has transformed into a daily journal if you will not only for family but also for me, for my husband and for my kids to look back and reflect upon.  This blog has become something very special and has evolved and will continue to evolve as we grow as a family.  I find that I not only like to post activities that we do on a daily basis but also sprinkle in some posts about food, funny phrases that only kids can come up with, noting characteristics in the kids that you can't gather from just a photo, lessons that I, as a Mom am slowly learning along the way, and those moments of gratitude.

I also like being somewhat selective in sharing those really special and meaningful moments, as I know that some moments are just too notable and sacred  to share and while they do not share space on this blog they are slowly filling up our hearts and creating that special bond that only our little family is privy too.

As I mentioned previously, I have been wanting to create this post for a long while as I noticed this before but looking around the empty home this past week, I realized that I have these sentimental heirlooms everywhere.  No, I don't mean that my home is only filled with hand me downs from family, but just about every room in our home has something meaningful from a family member.

I definitely have my own style that is different from others, say my Mom and my Grandma but the way I've incorporated those special heirlooms makes the transition between different styles seem almost seamless.  I really enjoy using or seeing these heirlooms everyday and each time it makes me think of that certain person and all those good, warm thoughts associated with that item come flooding back into the present moment and bring that heirloom back to life.

So as I'm here by myself recovering and seem to be alone, I know that I'm not really alone.  I have these great special items from loving family members all around me and while I know they are not physically here in person I am nonetheless surrounded by them at all times.  I love you all.

While I have many sentimental heirlooms in our home, some only come out during certain holidays while others are for show all the time.  Below are just a few very special items that fill our home.  If you come over for a meal, you will probably be eating something that I cooked on my Grandma's baking sheet or wipe your mouth with a napkin that Grandma Ruth monogrammed, or even spill a little food on my Grandma's lace tablecloth.  So come on over and be surrounded by great memories and help us make more memories with these sentimental heirlooms.

This antique and detailed mirror hangs in Katie's bedroom.  It hung for years in my Grandparent's home that was right across the street from the home where I grew up.  Each time I look into it, I wonder how many other hundred of times I looked into this or how many times other family members have looked at their reflection.  I also wonder how many times and how many minutes Katie will spend looking at herself in this very mirror in the future. I love that it is the home for Katie's first running medal.  We are just creating more memories with this piece.

See the gorgeous detailed frame with a natural antique finish that you just can't get these days.  Those are little mirrors within the frame.  I just love it.

This comforter/quilt was hand created by my Great Grandma and now keeps my little daughter warm in those cold winter months.  Katie also rests her head at night time on a little Minnie Mouse pillow made and monogrammed by Scott's Grandma Ruth.

This is a Jesus sign given to me by my Grandma Jirik.  I remember seeing these signs every time I'd go over to her home.  It now has a home on Mikey's dresser in his bedroom.  It reminds us that while Jesus may not always be readily visible, if you look hard enough he is always there. 

I love these feathers.  They were found on my parent's property and come from turkeys and pheasants that frequently walk through their grass. 
This is a plate from my Grandma Cichy.  I use it as a butter dish when I need room temperature butter.  I love gazing at the hand painted scenery.  It makes me dream of a simpler time.

This is an item that is kept in my super secret box of special items.  It's a Webster dictionary that has been passed down from generation to generation.  Running your fingers over the worn leather makes me smile and when you open it up.... see this which makes me smile even bigger.  The hand written signatures of the three previous owners.  Scott's Grandfather Robert was the first owner and  it was passed down to Scott's father, Bill who passed it down to Scott who will pass it down to Michael.  
You probably could find similar dish towels in a store, but I guarantee you can't find these hand embroidered chicken dish towels that have dried over two generations of dishes.  These are from my Grandma Jirik.

This is a good example of mixing the heirloom with my style.  I have some hand painted Russian nesting dolls that my Grandma purchased when she was in Russia resting right next to a framed "M" that was the cake topper at our wedding.  It only took me 5 1/2 years to finally frame our "M".  I'm hoping that Michael will use it at his wedding many years from now.

A very soft and worn hand made doll made just for Katie from Grandma Ruth keeps Katie company at night.  

Our monogrammed napkins have been used during special occasions.

We recently just used Grandma's lace tablecloth for the first time.

A few months ago, I was updating some of the frames we have around our home with new and more recent photos.  I wanted to frame the below picture of Mikey as this totally signifies our time living in New York City.  Everything about this picture is an accurate description of our daily NYC life.  We love NY, Mikey always saw the sites of the city from his glider board on the back of our beloved stroller, we stopped frequently for little drinks/treats like the smoothie he has in his hands to keep him cool on a hot day, his favorite hat with Scott's favorite sports team displayed on the top.  Although Mikey is the only person in this picture, there are parts of this picture that remind me of everyone....knowing Katie is sitting in the front of the stroller, Scott's love of Syracuse and me taking the photo.  So now you know why I just had to frame it.  But putting it in the frame wasn't the best part.  The best part is below, getting the surprise of seeing a photo I had long ago forgotten about, which was a picture of my Grandpa Cichy.  It's a picture of him doing what he did best.  Sitting in the sun, at the beach, napping while the hot sun tans his leather like skin.  It embodies everything I remember about him to a "T".  

Do you do the same thing?  Keep previous photos in the same frame and add a new photo to the top?  It's sort of a nice secret....seeing others look at our framed photos but knowing that there are many other photos behind the one being currently framed brings a smile to my face.  It's the little things in life, isn't?
One of our currently framed photos. Mikey in NYC.

An older framed photo of my Grandpa Cichy.  I miss him so much.

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