Sunday, February 9, 2014


There were a few friends of ours that we haven't seen in a while and had been wanting to invite over, except our schedules took a while to match up.  We changed it up and instead of throwing a dinner party, we invited everyone over for brunch.  I really love getting ready for parties and honestly, don't mind one bit preparing for one.  I enjoy it!

On the menu: pancakes, eggs, fresh fruit, fresh bagels with cream cheese, mimosas, fresh squeezed OJ & OJ with mango and Starbucks coffee.

All the kids were so well behaved and played so nicely together while the adults talked for hours at the table.  It was a perfect way to spend a leisurely Sunday.

The table is set.

I love being able to use all my dishes.  A first time for coffee mugs and my grandma's lace tablecloth.

Katie making fresh squeezed OJ.

Everyone's around the table, except Mikey who needed to use the restroom.

Champagne, leftovers and smiles from Brent and Ryan.

Katie and I.

She saw herself....

....and started making faces.....

....and so did this guy.

Katie watching patiently as Amelia is getting changed.

Elly with a lollipop!

Playing so nicely together.

A lollipop for Katie.

Such a busy day.  I found her like this not even 10 minutes after everyone left.

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