Saturday, January 25, 2014

Things that come out of a two year old's mouth

Scenario 1:
Daddy: "Katie, you're such a little peanut!"
Katie: "No, I'm a big peanut!"

Scenario 2:
On the days when Katie takes a nap, she will usually stay awake for another hour and get some one-on-one special time with Scott and I.  She is always very sweet and lovable during this time.  I gave her a close hug and smelled the back of her more baby smell!

Mommy:  "Katie, you don't have that baby smell anymore.  You lost that baby smell!"
Katie: "Ut-oh, where did it go?! We have to find it."

Indeed, we have to find it, but I'm afraid it's lost forever.  She's just not a baby anymore.

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