Friday, January 24, 2014

Funny Phrases

Mikey has been extra sweet recently, with moments of being, hummmmmm, not so sweet.

Through out every day I hear him say things like this:

Mikey : "Mommy I love you."  "I missed you while you were on your field trip."
Mommy: "You mean cruise?"
Mikey: "Yeah, cruise."

Mikey: "Mommy, I missed you when I was at school." "I love you." "Come here cutie pie." "Let me give you a hug and kiss." "No Mom, on the lips!"

Just out of the blue one day.
Mikey:  "Hey Mom, did you know that sharks poop in the water?!" "Ewww, gross!"

Mikey: "Mom, STOP! I don't want you to talk.............EVER!"

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