Saturday, January 11, 2014


Some things I'm just really loving about Scott right now.

He gets the rock star treatment as soon as he comes home.  Both kids run to hug him and kiss him and say "I missed you Daddy."  "Were you working to make money to buy us more presents?!" "I love you!"

Every night, he plays tackle me on the couch with the kids.  They will start at one end of the living room, run to him and he will throw them on alternating sides of the couch.  The kids really get a kick out of reversing it.  Scott will run to them and then the kids throw him on the couch, well the kids think they are throwing him on the couch when it's really Scott doing all the work.

He has "trained" (maybe not the right word here) Mikey to give him hugs every so often when they are wrestling.  Sort of like feeding a meter.  Scott get's all these extra hugs.

He plays this sleeping game with Katie, where he will lie down and pretend to be sleeping and to get him to wake up, Katie has to kiss him.  It's only Katie's kisses that are the magic touch and will wake him.  He pretends to fall asleep a few seconds after that and needs to get kissed again.  He get's plenty of kisses from Katie this way.

When reading to the kids at night the Berenstain Bears books, he replaces Brother Bear and Sister Bear with Mikey Bear and Katie Bear.

He can impersonate all different kinds of people while reading books, from a female to a western cowboy to a British person.

I love the little things he does and the creative way he puts his own spin on raising our kids.

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