Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Let it Snow!

Our first snowfall of the year occurred today.  This kids were beyond excited.  After looking out the window, they decided to skip some fresh, warm french toast I made and get their snow gear on to play outside.
Looking outside, still in their PJ's.

She didn't want to keep her gloves on.  She wanted to pick up the snow and eat it.

Running around!

The snow was perfect for making snowmen.  Mikey is attaching arms to his.

Katie next to her snowman.

Mikey next to his snowman.
 We were having a blast outside and had a huge snowball fight.  Mikey was really having fun and Katie said "Don't throw snow at me!" so it was mostly just Mikey and I playing around.  He loved it until I blasted him in the face with a snowball.  Oops. :)

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