Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Billion Bricks, Lego, T-Rex, Turtles and Trains

We had a busy Tuesday.  After Mikey's speech class, we went to the library, out for lunch and then headed over to the Stamford Nature Center to see their new exhibit.   They call it "A billion bricks: Lego, T-Rex, Turtles and Trains."  An exhibit made entirely of legos.  I asked exactly how many and the women said they were receiving training that afternoon on all the facts.  We will go back and I'll make sure to ask again.  So for now lets just say there were a lot.  Too many to count.  We spent a lot of time here taking it all in and had it all to ourselves with the exception of one other family.  (I made reservations for us to go on opening night before it was open to the public but we ended up staying home and snuggling with a movie on.  I'm glad we didn't go then as it would have been so crowded.)

Lots of Lego figurines.

A simple Lego display made from an original Lego box from the 1950's.

Another individual Lego display.

Entering the major exhibit.

A Jurassic park display.

The T-Rex got out!

I love the T-Rex on the bright pink home.

A huge crane.

Part of the Lego city.

A long street of Lego's.

A corner building covered with Spider Man's spider webs.

A cruise ship.  Notice the lady in the back going down the slide and right into the jaws of a shark!

A pirate ship battle.

A skull bridge.

First time I've seen a rounded corner made out of Legos'. Notice the corner of the white castle.

Lots to look at everywhere.

Wish we were able to get a closer look.  Instead we had to stay behind the bars.

Mikey loved the Lego Miners and Rock Monsters.

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