Monday, November 18, 2013

Thanksgiving Luncheon at School

Today the kids held a Thanksgiving luncheon at school for the parents.  It was really cute.  The 3's and 4's classes even put on a little Thanksgiving concert for us and they dressed up as little Pilgrims and Indians.  The lunch spread was delicious too and after eating the kids all got to run around and play together before having a little dessert and then playing some more.  It made for a long day at school but was a lot of fun.

I wish the grandparent's could have been there and Scott too (he had a meeting with people from London and could not get out of it or change the time) but it's okay.  I took lots of video so you grandparent's can feel like you were in on the action.

Happy Early Thanksgiving :)

The 3's and 4's classes.  Mikey's class was dressed as Indians and the 4's were pilgrims. Mikey is in the second row, second from the right.

Getting ready to perform.

I love how he patted the top of Katie's head.

So proud of his performance!  He wanted to wear this the rest of the day.

Some Indian love.  Can you tell it's close to Katie's nap.

More snuggles.  It's typical for them to hug after school.  Glad I finally had my camera with me to capture it.

Enjoying lunch with my strong Indian and hungry Katie bug.

Enjoying a cupcake.  She loves cake....but you already knew that!

Enjoy the video's below.

Crafts that were part of the centerpiece at the luncheon.  Little turkeys made out of pine cones.

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