Sunday, November 24, 2013

Florida Bound

We flew down to Florida to enjoy a week of vacation, take the kids to Disney and celebrate Thanksgiving with family.  The kids were beyond excited to go to Disney!

This big girl gets her very own seat on the plane.  Which means that Scott and I do to!

Look, our own plane!  Well that or we just had priority boarding.

My travel buddy and I are getting sleepy.

Fresh air and lots of space to run and play.

Grandma Bette brought over 3 bins filled with toys.  This was Mikey's favorite.  A transformer that Scott used to play with.

The house we rented came with a golf cart.  The kids loved going for rides.

We did a bit of coloring and playing Angry Birds and sitting and talking.

Mikey and Uncle Dave had a lot of fun on the ipad and tablet.

Angry Birds are so funny.

Katie and Grandma Bette reading Clifford.

A Katie selfie with Aunt Barb and Great Grandma Ruth.

The kids were captivated every night by The Big Bad Wolf.

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