Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mikey's first play date with friends from school

We had a play date at our home with the girls in Katie's 2 year old class a little while ago.  It was a little chaotic with 4 little girls in our home so I didn't get any pictures.

It's usually really busy during drop off and pick up that I can't really have a lengthy conversation with any of the moms.  We communicate more through email, phone calls and texts.  So I finally scheduled a play date with Mikey and one of his friends from school Parker.  It was a last minute type of thing so  I'm glad we could make it work!

It was so much fun watching the boys play together and see how much different it is than when the girls play together.  I have to laugh at the pictures I took because they are all blurry.  The boys were all over the place and of course they didn't sit still for a second.  They loved colliding into each other on the couch and saying "Cannonball!" before jumping onto all the pillows they threw in a heap on the floor.

They would each start at the opposite ends of the couch and run towards each other.

They could have really banged heads so many times but they had fun and there was lots of laughing so we just supervised really closely.  Katie got in on the action too....just a little.

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