Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hershey Expo

Devon and I met early for a quick run in the morning, just to stretch out our legs.  So we ran 1 mile and then walked 1 mile.  It felt good to finally run next to my running buddy who has been running by my side in spirit the last 10 weeks but physically running by my side for the first time.

We then went down to Hershey Park to pick up our race packets at the Running Expo they put together.  We received lots of stuff in our bags and picked up even more stuff from all the vendors.  The best purchase was a Nathan running pack that held my iphone, chap stick, tissues, biofreeze, energy chews and a little surprise for the next day.

Um, why running sideways?!

Okay, I'll run that way too!

Hoping I look more like a runner on race day than a lumberjack!  Don't ask me where my outfit came from!

We ran into this delicious tall looking candy bar!

We should have licked him!

Can't wait for race day Devon!

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