Saturday, October 26, 2013

Funny Phrases

Mikey has said some very funny and logical and illogical things recently:

Scenario 1:
Me:  Mikey do you think you'd like a little Christmas Tree put up in your bedroom that we can decorate?
Mikey:  No, no little tree.  Presents don't fit under little tree.  We need a big tree so we can have lots of presents.

Scenario 2:
Mikey: When I'm older I want to work at a building like Daddy.

Scenario 3:
Mikey:  Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom.
Me:  What Mikey?
Mikey: Nothing.

Scenario 4:
Mikey: Lots of people live in New York City and Connecticut. Are we done living in Connecticut?  We should live in New York City but we don't live there now.

Scenario 5:
Mikey:  If a stranger comes into your house you have to call Police Officer.

Scenario 6:
(October is Fire Prevention Month so the fire dept. came to the kids school and they learned all about fire safety) 
Mikey: If you are on fire you have to stop, drop and roll.

Scenario 7:
(After I served him overcooked eggs for breakfast)
Mikey: You're the best cooker Mom!

He tells me I'm the best cooker and best baker all the time now!  So sweet.

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