Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

We all enjoyed Valentine's Day this year.  Mikey was a very big helper to pick up flowers for Mommy.  The kids made various Valentine's Day crafts, and they received chocolate treats from Grandma Bette and Katie even had a special Valentine!

We sent a "heart attack" in the mail to Nana and Papa.  Don't worry - it's the good kind!  Just hearts in a box with special messages written on them that get scattered everywhere when you open the box!

Chcoloate gift from Grandma.

Katie enjoying her treats too!

Such a big helper!

Katie with a gift from her Valentine - Daddy.

She opened it up and said "Awww, Teddy Bear!"

A guilt free dessert for us.  Recipe is here.  I use store bought crust and add peanut butter.

A dozen roses is always a good idea!

A bracelet Mikey made for me at school.  I love it!

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