Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Katie 18 month checkup

Today we had Katie's 18 month checkup.  She passed with flying colors and was an okay patient.  She still screams when the doctor takes all her vitals but after that and having some bubbles blown in her face she is back to her happy self. 

She is 23 lbs. 6 oz (10%) and 30 inches long (15%).  Our little peanut. 

  • She still eats like a horse.
  • She is very opinionated.
  • She is the definition of precocious.
  • She can really amplify and project her voice.  She is so LOUD!
  • She still takes 1 nap a day usually from 12-2pm.
  • She no longer lifts up my shirt to lay on my belly, which I'm a little sad about.
  • She tries to keep up with Mikey and do everything he does.
  • She knows her ABC's and can count to 13 (misses #12).
  • She likes to sing nursery rhymes at night time and love to play ring around the rosie.
  • Her favorite movie is "Nemo."  She will say "Nemo", "Shark", "Bite me!", "Owww" in sequence over and over again until you put it on.
  • She is still teething....can't quite get her last molar to pop thru.
  • She loves playing with baby dolls and I often find her sitting in the chair in the bedroom flipping through books.  Her favorite is "Blue Shirt, Green Shirt."  She loves saying "Oops" and finds it hilarious when the turkey puts clothing on wrong places.
  • She wants to now walk everywhere, especially when she sees Mikey walking in front of her while she is in the stroller.
  • She loves to color and brush her teeth.
  • She is a breath holder just like Mikey. She fell recently off Mikey's toddler bed, held her breath between cries (or couldn't catch her breath) and passed out! So scary....but she knows she can only do that to us once and never again.  So both kids used up their "Let's scare the bejesus out of Mommy and Daddy" moment.
She is growing up so fast!  She'll be 2 before we know it.  We're also surprised looking back that we were 5 months pregnant with her when Mikey was 18 months old.  Wow how time flies!  We are enjoying every minute of it.

Her cheese face!

Here she is pretending the dog just bit her. I snapped as she was saying "Owie!"

Her typical happy self.

Loving the puppy.

Now trying to suffocate the dog as she sits on it!

Always gets a lollipop at the Doctors and always picks out pink!

Our little, big girl!

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