Thursday, October 18, 2012

Staten Island Ferry

We decided we wanted to get a view of the Statue of Liberty today and headed back downtown. We left early and were all set to get on the first ferry when Mikey's shoe slipped under the train and onto the subway tracks.  We had to wait about 40 minutes for a union representative to fetch it for us.  I wasn't about to jump down there to get it. We are cheap and didn't want to spend the $18 per person to ride on the Ellis Island Ferry to see the actual Statue of Liberty, especially since it is currently receiving interior renovations and won't be open to the public again until October 28th so we took the free Staten Island Ferry.  (We'll go back once it opens so we can enjoy the view  from her crown, the view that she see's everyday.)

Mikey loved, loved, loved riding on the "downtown" train again and then going onto a boat.  He really enjoyed the wind blowing in his hair as we sat on the boat for almost 30 minutes to Staten Island.  We mainly wanted to see the Statue of Liberty, but had the added bonus of a leisurely boat ride and had a picnic lunch in Staten Island overlooking the Hudson/East Rivers and the tip of Manhattan.  It was a picture perfect day, perfect for many pictures!

Boarding the ferry.

Mikey and I.

View from the pier looking at Brookly across the East River.

I love watching him get joy out of simple things.

Mikey and I and downtown Manhattan.

Squealing from pure excitement!

The tip of Manhattan.

Katie goes with the flow.  She is pretty easy to please most of the time.

Lots to look at on the ferry ride.

Miss Katie and I.

There she is.


This is the Staten Island Ferry heading back to Manhattan we were on the same type of ferry.

Verranzano-Narrows Bridge.

Pretty Nana.

The kids and I on Staten Island.

A closer look.

9/11 Memorial on Staten Island of everyone who perished that day that was from Staten Island.  Very neat to see.  Notice the profiles are different.

Such a site to see.

Mikey taking my picture on the ferry ride back to the city.

Haha. There's my face!  Good job Mikey.

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