Sunday, October 28, 2012


We have prepared for Hurrican Sandy to come our way.  We are staying in the city and everyone is going crazy with preparations.  Luckily we did most of our preparing Friday and Saturday.  I did go out Sunday to purchase some last minute things for Mikey's balloons and a cake and some tissues since the kids still have runny noses.  I stopped at 5 stores and each store was a total mad house.  The line at the actual grocery store had a 2 hour wait to check out, I walked right back out!  I couldn't believe how people wait till the last minute.

The buses and trains and parks have been closed or shut down and there is a mandatory evacuation for Flood Zone A.  We are right on the lines of Flood Zone B and Flood Zone C.  We are hunkering down and have lots of batteries, flash lights, food, water and toys that light up.

Hoping power won't be long.

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