Friday, October 19, 2012

Pumpkin Post

Today since it was raining and Mikey had a cold we played inside.  Which included decorating our pumpkins.  They are a little small this year to scoop out he seeds so the kids settled for painting them.

They l.o.v.e to paint and I like it to but clean up is a pain!  One of these times I'm just going to strip them and let them paint the bath tub.

Mikey's weird expression but he's actually saying "GO" to me so I can take the pic.

Focusing on mixing his colors.

She loves to paint.  If she catches sight of a paint brush she says "Paint" until you give her some paint to paint with.

Nana helping supervise.

Messy girl.

I think more paint ended up on her and her chair than the pumpkin.

Still working on his.
Our decorated pumpkins.

We do lots of crafts!


Now we're getting silly.

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