Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pee Pee don't work

I  have a few things to post about that we've done in the last few days but I wanted to post about this so I wouldn't forget.

I'm finding that 3 year old kids (or kids soon to be 3, like Mikey) say some pretty hilarious things.  For instance, the conversation that we had with Mikey tonight.

(We purchased a new potty treat; some peanut butter M&Ms and Mikey REALLY wanted some).

Mikey (while standing over the potty and trying oh so hard to go): "Pee Pee no work!"

Mommy: "What's that Mikey? You're pee pee isn't working?  Maybe you don't have to go potty."

Mikey: "Daddy, pee pee don't work! Daddy, get pee pee to work."

Daddy:  "Mikey, your pee pee is fine.  You just don't have to go."

So after about 2 minutes of Mikey really really trying to go potty, he finally managed a few drops.

Mikey (while clapping, shouted): "Yay, pee pee work!"  "2 blue M&Ms, please."

Hope this puts a smile on your face!

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