Sunday, September 23, 2012


This weekend we went to 2 festivals.
Saturday we went to an Art Festival and Sunday we went to the 92nd Street Y (YMCA) Festival.

The only picture I took at the Art Festival.  There were some amazing pieces showcased however I didn't want to look to much.  I found a painting I liked however it was $420 for an 8X10! Yikes!!  After that I just browsed. The kids were done with the Art Festival after 15 minutes so we went to the park afterward and had yummy frozen yogurt on the way home.

The only picture of the Art Festival.

Enjoying frozen yogurt in front of the Chapin School.

Doesn't this look like a first day of school picture.  Except Mikey would have to be a girl and we'd have to have an additional $37K to send him to Kindergarden.

Pretty mums outside.  Reminds me of Chicago.

Always on the run! 

Sunday afternoon we went to the YMCA festival and had so much fun.  They had tents represently lots of different countries.  Mikey received a free poster from Kazakhstan (it turned out to be a poster of wheat fields. Thanks Kazakhstan for fueling his love of wheat, tractors and hay!)  We enjoyed free frozen yogurt from 16 Handles and watched different kinds of dancing and shows.  There was also lots of food to enjoy and of course they had a huge bounce house and bounce slide for the kids.

Lots of different countries represented.

The Kazakhstan tent.

Huge festival spanned 12 blocks or so.

Have yet to try crepes.

Mikey really wanted to go on but we didn't want to wait in line for 45 minutes.

There was so much to look at I didn't stand a chance getting them to look at me.

Thailand woman hand painting umbrellas.

Frozen Yogurt time!

Mikey and I.

This guy was really scary looking.  Mikey was totally mesmerized.

They performed a long 20 minute act that was so fun to watch.  Swords, sticks, batons flying, flips, somersaults!

We finished the day off by watching Nemo before bed. 

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