Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Katie's 4th Birthday!!

We've finally made it and are celebrating her on her actual birthday this time!!!  My little pony cupcakes on a princess tier, with her birthday crown and presents.

Baby arrives in 2 days.

Kombucha tea.

They can't contain their excitement when it comes to presents.

Every time she eats.  I don't know how she does it but it gets everywhere.

Fairies and fairy outfits.

At 4 Katie;

  • Loves pink and purple
  • She wants to be a mermaid when she grows up
  • Loves being outside
  • Loves playing dolls, princesses, with little figurines, with her doll house, riding bikes
  • She is always up for anything
  • She is fearless and independent and insists on doing everything herself
  • She loves snuggles and reading at night time
  • She prefers baths over showers any day
  • She is easy going and eats usually whatever I put in front of her 
  • She loves fruit, all kinds of fruit
  • She loves performing and is often heard singing songs she hears on the radio

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