Tuesday, August 4, 2015

It's beginning to look a lot like.....August

It's the last few days before baby is due to come and we are still cramming in lots of activity. I have taken the kids swimming more times that I can count (sorry - no photos of that.  I am actively watching them and swimming with them so can't do that and take pics. at the same time.) But we have done plenty of things I have remembered to take pictures of.

This kid loves pancakes.  Special treat going out for breakfast.

Scott took the kids out for the afternoon and really tired them out.

Both of them.

Oh how I love this little one. 

She is getting so big and is bursting with personality.  Her hair is covering it up but her personality is literally spewing out of her ears.

Out to breakfast at a place in downtown Greenwich. Meli-Melo.  They have amazing fresh juices and GF crepes!

The growing baby.  She won't be the baby of the family for much longer.

Yet one more dinner with friends.  

Using up the sparklers from the 4th of July.

I am loving how care free kids are and find it immensely fulfilling to experience life one more time through their eyes.

Late night planning of up coming meals to eat when baby comes.  Insomnia is setting in.  At least I am not scrubbing the bathroom tile for the umph'teenth time.

She is my fearless one.

More naps.  This time on Daddy.

He's out here everyday playing street hockey...even in 90 degree weather.
 My Dad came up to hang out with us just in case baby arrives early.  I've had this feeling all throughout my pregnancy that the baby would come early so it's a nice feeling to have him here so I don't have to worry about finding someone to watch the kids depending on the time of day I go into labor.  We can just hop in the car and go.
The kids are really hands on and love doing tinkering jobs.  They watched my Dad in detail put his bike together so he can still enjoy his daily rides.

They are like two fishies in the water.

No doubt she is bossing him around.

:)  My heart is swelling when I see these two.

All pruned up.

My nesting has spilled over onto the whole family.  I made sure the entire family has been groomed.  With in  2 days of baby coming and both kids including myself have gotten hair cuts.  Here's Katie getting a blow out and gabbing it up with the hairstylist.  How do they know to chit-chat and make small talk with the hairstylist at this age?! Is it ingrained?

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