I should have thought this through a little bit better but we decided to celebrate Katie's 4th birthday early this year. Our reasoning being that we weren't sure when No. 3 would make her appearance and we didn't want to be in the hospital and miss Katie's real birthday. In hindsight we could have waited....it's not like Katie knew exactly what day her birthday would fall on this year. But in the end we celebrated her birthday 3 separate times; and I'm okay with that. I'd celebrate this little one everyday if I got the chance.
She wanted a rainbow cake with a pink balloon. |
Happiest of Birthdays darling. |
clearly not the best photo taken by Mikey but it captured the moment nonetheless. |
Putting on her own candles. |
Getting ready to blow! |
I may be biased but I think she is the most gorgeous 4 year old inside and out. |
And what do we do when we are four but get our ears pierced. It's a family tradition and she was excited and ready for it. She even picked out the earrings she wanted. She amazed me at how good she did. The whole process was quick and according to Katie, painless. I asked her if she wants to do it again and she gave a definitive "No." Glad we got through it with no tears and she walked away with a new puppy.
Newly pierced ears. |
Kitty, meet Puppy. |
Katie, and I and Baby E at 25 weeks. |
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