Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Randomness in June 2015

Here's some photos from almost everything else we did in June.

The kids have been very active at working in their summer workbooks.  It's a joy to watch them do some pages with ease and learn new things on other pages.

Wahoo- We've got a grill!

Master Lego Builder!

We took Jack and Maddie shopping with us so their mom could get some moving boxes unpacked.  They are friends of ours that moved from the city to a neighboring town.
 We took the kids to the Sibling Class held at Greenwich Hospital.  The instructor seemed very impressed with how much my kids knew.  Of course Mikey being himself, asked a million questions and had an answer for almost all questions the instructor asked.  He knew what an umbilical cord was and also knew that the babies get a Vitamin K shot in their foot....all things that the instructor was impressed with.  We also saw the babies in the nursery and got a tour of the maternity ward.  Below the kids are getting their Sibling Class Completion Certificate.  I can't wait to see how these two will react to the newest addition.

Morning sibling love.

Awwww.  If only they were this loving all the time!
 I've been trying my hardest to tire these kids out.  Especially on very hot days; I try to get them out of the door early in the am.  This particular day we took them to the enormous playground at Stillwater School.  They have everything there!
Sweat beading off her face.  It was a scorcher.

Stop growing up!  She can do most things now at the playgrounds we visit.

He's always the first one to make a new friend.  Typically it goes something like this "Hi, my name is Michael.  What's your name?  Want to be friends?"

Such a big helper.  He's helping me sterilize all the pumping materials.

He was so focused and very careful. 


Success- He's tuckered out.

And so is she!

We celebrated our anniversary earlier this month, but that doesn't stop us from doing things for each other on a regular basis.  Like tonight - I made some lobster but took that extra step to de-shell it for Scott.

More sibling love.  Usually it's Mikey that gives Katie hugs.

Dance time.

Oh yeah.

His dance moves usually include some karate in it too!

Our patio set arrived and the kids enjoy doing their crafts outside on it.

We found this awesome website that teaches kids how to draw in a fun way.  Here's Anger from the movie Inside Out.
Hugs for Bailey.

We got rained out the first time we tried to have people for a BBQ and the following weekend was a washout too.  Here are the kids watching a movie.

My girlfriend took the kids for a few hours so I could be lazy and sit on my butt.  She did a good job of keeping them busy because Katie and Maddie passed out on the bed.

We are outside every chance we can get!

Swimming time at Jack and Maddie's pool.

Post swimming snuggles with Mommy.

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