Monday, November 17, 2014

Thanksgiving School Luncheon

We celebrated Thanksgiving at school today.  The kids practiced hard on their songs and there was a potluck feast along with fellowship afterward.  They sang 3 or 4 really cute songs about turkeys, etc.  The 3's class were Indians and the 4's class were Pilgrims.  It's nice to see that they were taught the historically accurate meaning of Thanksgiving.

I offered to help decorate and set up for the party.

I was feeling crafty so I made a sign.

Here's the sign I made.  It was handy to help decorate for the kids school party.

Michael in the blue button down shirt.

Katie refused to wear her Indian costume they made during school.  She's in the blue shirt and grey leggings.

Our pilgrim eating.

Photo Katie's teacher took.

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