Monday, November 10, 2014

Katie baby and her surgery

With only 1 day for Momma to rest, we were back into the swing of our busy lives early Tuesday morning when Scott and I took Katie to the Stamford Hospital for her tonsil and adenoid surgery. For quite a while now she had been very noisy when sleeping, sounding similar to a pug, with lots of snoring, heavy breathing, congestion and pauses in her breathing.  She had also had a runny nose for 3 solid weeks with no relief.  We learned that all of this was because of her large tonsils and adenoids.

We were eager for her to get those removed so she'd be able to sleep more soundly and so she could breath!  Obviously we were hesitant to put her under as any surgery has it's risks but we were assured that everything would go smoothly....which it did.

I'm thankful that we live in this part of the country if only because of our accessibility to amazing doctors....her doctor Dr. Jason Klenoff was terrific and is amazing with kids.

Here's his resume:

  • undergraduate: Harvard University, graduated Magna Cum Laude in Biology
  • Medical School: Yale University School of Medicine
  • Surgical Internship: Yale University School of Medicine
  • Otolaryngology Residency: Yale University School of Medicine
  • Honors - Best Doctors in America, Selected as one of the best doctors in America
  • Connecticut Magazine - selected by peers as one of the best doctors in CT
  • Abilis of Fairfield County - Awarded Physician of the year
  • American College of Surgeons - awarded fellowship position
  • Clinical Instructor: Yale University School of Medicine
It doesn't get much better than that!

So the entire surgery took 1 hour and we were away from her for about 85 minutes, which felt like forever.  Once she woke up in the recovery room, we spent another 3 hours there for the anesthesia and pain medication to wear off and for her to drink something.  

Since then we have been at home resting, giving her pain medicine every 3 hours and getting her to drink liquids and some soft foods.  Total recovery should take 2 weeks but by day 8 she should feel like her normal self.  She is already sleeping so much better.  We don't hear a peep and in fact, I wake up nightly to make sure she is still breathing...that's how quite she is.  She has also been sleeping longer.  Before this surgery she has never slept past 7 am and for 3 days in a row she has been sleeping until 8:30, 8:50 and 9:20am.  Poor thing, she has a lot of sleep to catch up on.

Morning of her surgery and she was coloring every Dora that the nurses gave her.

In the recovery room.  After crying for an hour she finally fell asleep on me.

Scott and I were cleaning up the kitchen and she said she wanted to lay down. It took us a min. to find her. She disappeared into the couch.

So sleepy.

:) Catching up on lots of sleep.

That moment when I realized we aren't going to by infant's medicine anymore.  They are growing up way to fast.

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