Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

A huge winter storm advisory was in the forecast for the day before Thanksgiving, so we all hustled and quickly packed and/or took an extra day off work and car pooled down to PA the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.  It's been 2 years since we were there for Thanksgiving and I missed my mom's stuffing!  No, that wasn't the only reason we went down there for Thanksgiving, but it sure was on the list! She makes the best stuffing and it's lucky to get to the table with my sister and I around!

We had a feast and enjoyed hanging out with family over the next week! I'm not sure how I didn't end up with any pictures of actual Thanksgiving, but my phone was away and that's how I like it on the holidays.

First day of hunting season and my Dad was out early.  Now that he's retired he has time to waste in the woods.

The obligatory trip to Hershey Chocolate World.

Hands Down!  The kids loved this game!

Bouncing on Bryan....

....and more bouncing.....

....and some smooshing too!

It was a race to see who could find Waldo first!  Even the hardest book was no match for my kiddos.

Love to Bailey.

Lego City with light up cars, kept Mikey occupied most mornings.  I think he ended up putting 5 or 6 different sets together.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Randoms from School

Both of the kids teachers take pictures of all the kids during school.  They have a portal set up so that all the parents have access to the pictures.  I especially love seeing all the new pictures that they upload because I often wonder just what the kids are doing during school.  I hope you enjoy as much as I do.

Katie painting a pig with mud.

The girls.

Special celebration with pudding.

I love to see her smiling like this at school.

Playing puppies.

Reading with Miss Janet.

I often find her dressed up when school is over.

Princesses have to work too.

Concentrating on her art work.

Want a mud pie?

This explains a lot!

Red light.

Playing nicely with Sophia.

Leader of the class.

She loves a good craft!  That's my girl!

This is why I found red paint all over her new white cardigan! Haha.

Class photo in their Halloween costumes.

Playing puppies again.  She loves playing this game.

Something was hilarious!

She'd play "puppies" everyday.

When it's too cold or raining outside they have an awesome huge indoor play space to play and ride bikes.

Construction worker Mikey and Rohan.

The firemen came to teach the kids.

I love him.

Getting a closer inspection of all the gear.

He found a "PKE Meter" lego piece. 

The teachers said they went through so many boxes during construction week.

A box of critters?!  He's all over this!

Bly and Mikey playing outside.

A huge hit during Halloween.  Golf pegs, pumpkins and hammers.

Sitting on the fire truck!

Curling his hair.

Checking in the mirror to make sure it's just right.

Should I call him Maximus instead?

He's always silly.

In addition to Scott going to his school and reading his favorite book to his class, he also had a special snack and wore his crown he decorated!

Dancing with Oivia.

He's having so much fun at his school too.  Can you tell!?