Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Michael's first day of Pre-K 4

Today is the day....the first day of school!  I am so excited to have survived summer and am looking forward to having a more structured day filled with routine.  I'm also looking forward Michael learning at school, making new friends, becoming more independent and growing his personality.

I am so thankful that this year is the second year the kids are going back to the same school, with the same teachers, same familiar faces and environment.  I know that next year will be quite different and filled with anxiety so I am taking the start of this year joyfully and enjoying and savoring it all.

I got a hug and kiss from him and away he went.  He didn't even look back.  It feels oh so good to have school be such a smooth transition for him.

Here are some pictures of his first day of school.  My silly man and his many faces.

Exhausted after day 1.

Mikey's teacher just sent home some pictures she's taken of the kids during school.  Here are a few of Michael!

Michael and his favorite friend Rohan.

First day of school for Katie and second for Michael with moi.

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