Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Katie's first day of Pre-K3

It's a day later and now time for the little Miss to attend her first day of school.  She as well, walked right in without even a good bye.  She is growing up so fast and is super ready for Pre-K 3.  As soon as she went into her classroom she said to her teacher..."My name is Katie.  You spell Katie, K-A-T-I-E."  She did that all on her own wasn't pre-mediated by me or anything.  Oh how they are just going to eat her up at school.  She is so cute and just wants to be a big girl.  Soon enough Katie, soon enough.

Right before we left for school, I told her "No" about something and so she was a little mad and refused to hold the First Day of School poster.  Mikey held it first for her and then I propped it up on the floor to get the others.  She keeps me on my toes.

I love her dimples. 

Ready to go with her new backpack.

At school drop off.

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