Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Color Run - Brooklyn

I drove down for my first trip back to NYC since moving on Friday afternoon for a half weekend spent with all my NYC girl friends.  It was my very first time away from the kids by myself and I enjoyed every minute of it!  Friday evening, we went to Brooklyn to pick up our packets for the Color Run race on Saturday and we celebrated Heather's birthday at a Brooklyn restaurant.  The views of the city at night were pretty amazing.

Saturday, we all rolled out of bed and brushed the crusties out of our eyes from the night before to prepare for our 5K run.  The walk to the subway, subway ride all the way out to Flatbush in Brooklyn, waiting for over 45 minutes for the shuttle, sitting in traffic on the shuttle to get to the race took about 2 hours.  Kinda crazy when all we were doing was running for 30 minutes.  BUT, it was so FUN and so WORTH IT!!!!  The race wasn't timed so none of us felt the competitive edge to run as fast as we could.  Made it stress free.  This was by far the most fun I've had running in a race.

All the pictures don't do it justice.  The girls were all amazing and we made so many memories.  Definitely a must do and I'm so glad I did.  As you'll notice below we all had a blast.  So blessed to have such an amazing group of friends.

I had to rush home after the race and scrub scrub scrub because we had a dinner party to host that evening.  Glad all the corn starch food coloring came off.  I'd be embarrassed if I had to serve dinner with blue and green hands.

Posing with this bike in hopes of winning it.

Sign by the bike.

Mary and Kelly at dinner - Alma Restaurant.

View of the twin lights at the 9/11 memorial.  So beautiful and humbling.

L to R:  Ashley, (Jesus), Shay, Heather, me, Mary, Kathy, Kelly, Jen, Beth and Katie.

We finally made it to the run.

Not sure if we would get another opportunity for a group shot (since there were 9 of us) we took advantage of the opportunity and posed in front of the port a potties.

Our official Color Run before photo.

Photo with a little tweaking. L to R: Me, Kelly, Kathy, Heather, Jen, Candace, Ashley, Beth and Mary.

Yes we had a jam session with the DJ at the start line before we ran.  We danced and did squats and jumping exercises, they handed out prizes and we danced some more.

Kathy definitely had a good time as did Mary and Ashley.

Mary, Ashley and Candace at the start.  Here we go!  The 4 of us and Kathy pretty much stuck together.

Heather and Jen wanted a special limited edition bright purple color on them so naturally they rolled in it! 
A huge color party at the end.

Kelly had great specks of color on her face.  Most of us had huge amounts of blue and green smothered everywhere.  Sort of like the Wicked Witch.

Lots of color runners on the subway home.  You should have seen the looks we got.

Yes, it was as fun as it looked!
And there is Ashley photo bombing Jen and I.

Official Color Run photo post run.

Another photo of us partying before the race.

Immediately post run. Candace, Kathy, Ashley, Mary and I.  Just a little dirtier and sweater than 30 mins. prior.

Kathy and I acting ridiculous during the race.

On the shuttle to the race. 

Heading back home.  So much fun girls!

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