Sunday, September 22, 2013

Birthday party / fire drill all in one

Remember when I mentioned back during the "meet the teacher" event at school that Katie got invited to her first school birthday party here in CT? Well it was today and it was awesome!  Katie's friend from school Elly had her 2nd birthday at Stepping Stones.  There was some good music playing, crafts for the kids to do, lots of toys to play with, different activities during the party, yummy food and delicious cake and ice cream cake and our very own viewing of a real fire drill.  This birthday party happened about 3 weeks ago now and Mikey still talks about the fire drill...  We also play fire drill with all his trucks and little people...who have to get out of the building.

Mikey building a transformer out of building blocks.

Lots of balloons everywhere.

Of course Katie got her hands on a balloon.

Decorating their own crowns and having snacks.

 We then all of a sudden got told to leave the building as there was a fire drill.  Minutes later the fire chief arrived first to clear the way for the fire trucks who came racing down the street with their sirens blaring.  Mikey was in heaven.  We aren't sure what caused the fire drill.  The staff at Stepping Stones seemed just as confused as everyone else.  We all waited outside about 25 minutes before given the all clear to return back inside (where the party was promptly extended by another hour). Don't mess with a preggo mommy throwing a party! Ha.
The fire chief behind the car.

Here come the fire trucks.

Fire fighters decked out in their fire gear.

Back inside playing.

Bubble time? Ut-oh I think that bubble machine peaked Mikey's interest.  He's in the forefront. Let's see what happens.

Yup, asking the Mommy if he can play with the bubble maker.

She said one more minute than you can have it.

Ta-da! He got the bubble maker and loved making bubbles for the little girls.

Animal parachute time!

Katie and Clara Jane from school ready to sing to Elly.

There's the birthday girl!

Delicious cake that was a really bright purple color.  It was amazing and from a Philippine Bakery in NYC.

Party favors.  They left with lots of favors but these are their favorite!

Easy zebra.  No need to get all rowdy on me!

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