Friday, August 30, 2013

New neighbors.

We live in a pretty crowded neighborhood, meaning there are lots of homes right after another.  Thanks to daily walks with Bailey (our dog) after dinner we have met most of our neighbors.  They all seem really nice and we have a huge amount of young families with lots of kids to play with, some sweet old grannies and a few teenage girls ripe for some babysitting duties.  I find myself repeating the names of those that live in the house when we walk past it.  There are just too many to remember and I'm pretty bad at names when I meet a lot of new people within a few days of one another.

Anyway, one of our new neighbors, has a toddler named Evelyn and they have a pretty awesome yard with lots of toys and they have real, live chickens!  Oh and not to mention Alicia, the mom went to school with my sister.  Small world, right?!

The chickens are a hit and they have a pretty awesome chicken coup built by the Amish in Lancaster County, basically right down the road from where I grew up.   The chickens produce lots of eggs everyday and are truly organic, range free chickens.  Yum.  So glad for nice, sweet, neighbors.

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