Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Whitaker Center

Mikey had a week off from school for spring break so the kids and I went down to PA for the week while Scott stayed behind and worked.  (Don't worry, I'm making him take vacation time soon!)  We had lots of fun and the week flew by.  One of the days I took the kids to the Whitaker Center.  We got there right when it opened, had lunch at Strawberry Square and back to the Whitaker Center.  By 1 pm I was ready to leave,  Katie was napping and Mikey was still going strong.  He told me he was having too much fun and he needed to play so that got an extra 90 mins. out of me!  There was so much to do and explore and learn... the kids had a lot of fun. I thought initially that it was tailored to an older kids crowd but there were lots of age appropriate things for them to do.  We'll definitely go back again!

press the buttons and watch the balls dance in the air.

A hit for both the kids that we had all to ourselves.

Weighing himself in front of Kids Place.

Inside the ambulance.

A stage to put on plays.  There were buttons that worked the lighting,  music and  a microphone to speak into.  Mikey loved this too!

Katie looking for Nemo in the fish tank.

A working scanner at the grocery store where you could shop for lots of different fruit/veggies/dairy/bread/meats/fish.  Turn the wheel to work the conveyor belt and each item scanned and made a noise as you scanned it.  The kids loved this too!

Playing construction.  You put blocks into the  basket, turned the wheel to lift the basket, take the blocks out and throw them down the shoot.

Weee. She says this on every slide, every time she goes down.

We ran into Jamie and Bryan who were their on a school field trip.  

This table was awesome.  You put the disks on the table, which created an electric pulse with the other disks around it.  They made different noises and you could move them all around. Another favorite!

Part of the circus theme room.

Bikes you could race on if you're legs were long enough.

The water feature we saved for last.  Katie was napping at this point so Mikey played and played till his hearts content.

Manipulating the pipes to make the water go in different directions.

This takes me back many years.  The entrance to the KPMG Harrisburg office. 

Trying to climb up the shoot.

A soft area to tumble and climb on.  

He desperately wanted to be lifted in this but he was too heavy and it wasn't safe.

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