Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter 2013

The kids and I drove back to NYC the day before Easter so that we could spend it together as a family with Scott and so that the Easter Bunny could get to work that night!  Easter morning was very joyful for us to see the kids get so excited about their baskets, candy, toys and books.  I slept in a little and when I woke up Scott and Mikey were playing with the Heat Wave Rescue Bot Transformer the Easter Bunny left.  He took it everywhere with him for the next week, including bath time, and bed time and meal time.  It's hit favorite toy of the moment still.  He also received a book called Sweet Land of Liberty, a chocolate bunny and a handful of Easter eggs with one jelly bean in each.  I love that I can fool them into thinking that it is such a treat to have only one jelly bean in one egg!

Katie slept in a little bit too (until 6:30am) and she received some playdoh accessories, a barbie toothbrush (I swear she would brush her teeth 6 times a day if you let her) a chocolate bunny, handful of |Easter eggs and a book called My Year of Firsts (it's a little old for her but she liked the bike and dog on the cover.)

After eating jelly beans for breakfast and a few bites of pancakes, we got dressed in our Easter clothes for Mass and had a nice brunch midday.  I didn't do anything fancy for Easter this year.  Didn't want to stress about it so we were happy having our usual fare and a relaxing afternoon.

Hope you all had a Happy Easter!

Mikey's Easter basket.

The Easter Bunny came! Next year I think the Easter Bunny will start hiding their baskets.

On Easter Morning.

Katie's Basket.

Happy Mikey with his Rescue Bot.

She is happy with all of those jelly beans in her mouth.

Katie in her pretty Easter dress.  She got a fat lip the day before by biting the inside of her lip and hitting the outside of her lip at the same time.  Adds something to her Easter photos. Yes?

She loves to read.

See my lip?

Katie and I Easter morning.

Playing a little before Mass.

Giving Daddy some Easter morning love taps.

Daddy giving Katie some love too.

Katie in her Easter bonnet, which was my Easter bonnet when I was little.

Trying to get a nice photo of both of them together.  Sort of impossible with Katie giving me some attitude here.

Give me a smile Mikey...

....there it is!

Acting silly.

She wore her dress most of the day.  Didn't want to take it off!

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