Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

I love having young kids, especially around Christmas.  There is just something so magical about the season when you share it with young kids.  Mikey was super into Christmas this year.  I was pleasantly surprised that the kids left my parent's tree alone for the most part.  There was some interest and touching of low lying ornaments, mostly from Katie, but unlike the year before the tree wasn't completely redocorated by little fingers and hands.
Of course the kids received way to may presents for our over generous family!  I'm still trying to find places in our apartment to put things.  I may have to figure out a better organization system for 2013!

Mikey loved the morning.  He loved opening up every present and opening up a fair amount for Katie too.  He'd open one and would want to open another immediately. Mikey liked handing out the presents to everyone too. Katie was interested in the first hour of opening gifts but after that she was happy to play with what she already received.

Waking up to a white Christmas is always lovely.

Everyone's stocking stuffers.

So happy and busy on Christmas morning.  Katie feeding her baby doll and Mikey getting ready to shot a nurf gun.

Can never get a pic. with just the two of them smiling and looking at the camera....I refuse to give up!

Christmas morning.

Bailey decided to join us for this pic.

Little mischievous, rearranging presents.

So excited to get a tool kit and a real tool bag.

Katie loved her Nemo.  It's her favorite movie she requests almost daily.

Mikey and his doodle pad.
Hugs with Aunt Jamie.
Getting silly.
Mikey hanging with the guys.

Delicious surf and turf Christmas dinner.

She couldn't move. 
Being so silly in Uncle Matts big shoes.


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