Saturday, August 11, 2012

Katie's Party - cake and present time!

Picking up where we left off, Katie wasn't too sure what to think once everyone starting singing Happy Birthday to her.  It was such a very brief and happy moment for us, that I requested we sing to her again....why not!? She still wasn't thrilled! Mikey blew out the one and only candle.

Mikey blowing out the candle.

Holding up Katie's very own smash cake that came with her birthday cake!

First taste of her birthday cake.

Mikey had to make sure it was okay for her too.

She even ate part of it with her spoon.

The heck with the spoon...her hands are so much faster at getting the cake!

The remains of her smash cake. I'd say it was a success!

Time for presents.  She held onto that birthday balloon for a while!

Katie still holding onto the balloon while I opened up lots of cute fall clothes for her!

Once we opened the baby doll she dropped that balloon like a bad habit!

She had to come out of the box immediately.

Katie putting on a show and giving the baby lots of kisses.

Someone wrapped a loaded water balloon for Mikey.  That woke everyone up!  Thanks Janice!

Nana and Katie baby.

The whole family.  L to R: Nana, Papa, Jamie, Bryan, Danny, Matt, Mikey, Scott, Joey, Steve, Katie, Jess, Erica.

The grandparents with the grandkids.

The troops!

She has the best smile.

Papa and Nana and their Hawaiian tans with Katie.

Getting a little crazy and putting tattoos right on their faces!

Girl talk.

Big girl in her forward facing car seat on way back to NYC.

Who knew they were having a parade for us when we returned!  Well actually it was the Puerto Rico Parade.

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