Saturday, August 25, 2012

CP, Victoria Gardens, Street Fair and Levain Bakery

We spent yet another 3 day weekend with Scott and had a very busy weekend.  Scott is taking off every Friday in August and September to use up some vacation, and we are loving having him to ourselves for an extra day during the week.

On Friday, 8/24 we headed to our usual stomping grounds Central Park for a leisurely walk.  We had planned on going to Victoria Gardens, in Central Park however it was crowded, hot, expensive and not quite suitable for our kids age so we ended up playing at a near by playground and took a spin on the Carousel.

On Saturday and Sunday we went to a street fair on the upper west side.  They had lots of street vendors selling everything under the sun, food, books, clothing, toys, massages, etc.  The kids jumped in the jumpy house and were sooo tired once we got home. We had so much fun, I forgot to take pictures. Sorry! We also strolled down to Levain Bakery for some yummy cookies. Okay, yummy is an understatement.  Think 6 oz. of  crunchy, gooey, warm, moist, deliciousness.  Complete heaven!  Our friends sent us a package of cookies and we were hooked.  We just had to go check out the bakery ourselves.  Thanks for the addiction Mary and Dennis!  Thank goodness we live about 2 miles from the bakery.  I'm not sure I know of many people who would walk 2 miles just for a cookie!
We're here!

Line out the door.  You can see Scott's bald head right under the B, thru the window, waiting his turn.


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