Friday, May 11, 2012

Bronx Zoo

Today was a perfect day for the Zoo!  We went to the Bronx Zoo with our friends Mary and Quinn (5 mos.).  The Zoo was huge and Mikey spent most of the day walking/running around the park.  (He slept really great that nite!)

There were so many animals to see but sadly we only saw maybe 5% of the animals.  We were to busy talking/walking around to really stop to see things.  We did go into the butterfly pavillion, see giraffe's (Mikey's favorite), tigers, peacocks, koi fish, antelope, ducks, seals and a few other animals. 

It's a quick 15 min. drive from where we live.  I think we will buy a membership and have lots of future visits there.

Katie was with us too although I didn't get any pictures of her on this trip.

Peacock sunning itself.

Feasting on sweet snacks in the butterfly pavillion.

The huge koi fish in the pavillion.

Mikey giving his feet a rest.  He loved pointing out all the butterflies.

Butterfly on lilac flowers.

Couldn't help but take a few pics.

Mikey asked for giraffe's. It was the first animal we set out to find.

This tiger was huge!

Lots of fish right at eye level for Mikey.

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