Monday, May 21, 2012

And so it begins!

Katie loves to feed herself.  I forgot just how messy it can be in the beginning!  Watching her eat and work on her coordination is worth the huge mess, (especially when Daddy has to clean it up)!  She goes straight into the tub when she is finished!  With only 2 bottom teeth, she is really good at grinding up food in between her gums.

You'll notice from the pictures below she's looking more like a little girl than our baby!  Growing up so fast-

If only she could see herself


Should have probably put a bib on her.

Not sure what is on her chin - left over oatmeal perhaps?!

Why does she make the biggest messes with spagetti and red sauces?
I finally learned to put a bib on her!

Attack mode!  Look out for Katiezilla!!

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