Wednesday, September 2, 2015

First day of Kindergarten

Well apparently we blinked and now Michael is starting Kindergarten.  It's amazing how the days are long and yet the weeks and months go by so fast.  We spent many evenings at his schools playground to help him adjust and also visited his school the day before it started so everything would be fresh in his mind for the first day of school.

He attends the local elementary school that is within walking distance of our home and apparently is one of the best schools in the state!  There is so much to do there and so many ways to be involved and active and lots of resources for the children.  Michael has 17 kids in his class and 3 teachers.

At open house the day before.  We met the teachers and checked out the toys in the classroom and got to meet some new classmates. 

Hanging out at the entrance.

Jumping for joy.


Obligatory first day of school picture.  He was so excited.

Check out his backpack he picked out.

Giving morning snuggles to Emily before school starts.

Telling her how much he will miss her and to not play with his Lego's.

First day of school with Daddy.

Katie took this picture.  Can you tell?

Mikey and I.

Tons of parents at first day of school.  

Daddy giving him some love before he heads in.

Kindergartners all lined up.
 After school smiles below.  He did amazing and we really couldn't have asked for a better first day of real school.  He said he loved it and told us in detail all about his day.

The entire school celebrated the first day of school with frozen pops.

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