Thursday, July 30, 2015

Pregnancy with Baby #3

 I haven't had the time to create individual posts about my pregnancy with baby #3 so I'll try to round everything up for you all right here!

8 weeks and growing

Another at 8 weeks!

10 Weeks

11 weeks
13 weeks and 6 days  

Throughout our pregnancy we were constantly amazed at how much medical advances were made and how much the technology improved since having Katie 4 years ago.  It's really astounding how quickly things change.  For instance we were able to tell at 14 weeks what we were having by ultrasound.  You can find out even sooner at 10 weeks by blood test.

I remember the nurse asking us if we wanted to upgrade our ultrasound and see 3D images of our daughter (Katie) at the time.  We opted not to but with this baby we were able to see 4D video in real time of her moving around in my tummy. They also took some images in 4D.  I don't think I'll ever be able to wrap my head around the fact that my body can create another human and to catch a glimpse of it actually happening is such a gift.  It truly is a miracle.  

15 weeks.  "Yup, I can see her through your belly button Mom.  She is still in there." said Katie.
18 Weeks pregnant and just finished another round of Whole30. 

At 19 weeks and still very tired/sleepy.

18 weeks and here's a partial face shot.  You can see one of the eye sockets, chin and head.

At the half way point, I was feeling great. Really no traditional pregnancy symptoms happening. Also gained roughly 3 lbs. which I thought was low but the doctors assured me that I was measuring just fine in my tummy area and that the baby was healthy and I was healthy too so no need to worry.
Half way there at 20 weeks!!!
Another shot of the bump at week 20.

Celebrating Mother's Day with these 3. Almost at 27 weeks.

28 weeks below.

Almost 29 weeks below at a friend's wedding.

32 weeks at the beach.

33 weeks and Baby completed her first race.  I ran with Katie during her 1 mile run.

35 Weeks and still feeling good.  So here I am with just 5 weeks remaining and have put on 19 lbs. I have had occasional heartburn, especially if I lay down for bed not long after I have dinner.  Also baby is constantly moving.  Every night at 9pm she has a dance party in my belly.  Lots of kicks to the ribs and fingers moving below.  I have been seeing the doctor more regularly and after week 35 they wanted me to make weekly trips to the hospital just to be checked out via, heart rate monitor, measurements, weight, and fetal monitoring for an hour to make sure she is moving enough during a specified time period.  Her statistics put her in the 10 % for growth at one point so from then on I would go in weekly.  She'd move up from the 10%, to the 12%, to the 15% and finally the 18%.  I stopped going to the hospital after that because I was feeling amazing, baby was due in 2 weeks and although I was technically considered high risk (because of my Crohn's Disease) hence all the precautions, I knew baby was healthy.  She was estimated to be born in the 6 to 7 lbs. category which the nurses and doctors all said was low.  Really?  Low??  They said that people now a days are having 8 to 9 lbs. babies.  I'm not sure what I am doing differently from all these other women, but I do know that even if 6 to 7 lbs. is considered low in this era, that that is still a healthy weight for baby.

37 weeks below.  And one of the last photos before baby comes. Total weight gained was 23 lbs.  With Michael and Katie I gained 40 lbs with both but this time my diet has been completely different and much more healthy with whole foods. I am much more aware of how certain foods make me feel and have become more in tune with what my body is craving and needs. It's been interesting to see that the baby takes what it needs and that all the weight has gone to the right places.

Baby Due August 11, 2015

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A picture can say a thousand words.

I have heard that expression probably a thousand times...but you know what else can say a thousand words?....Videos.  Here's a bunch!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Tod's Point Beach with Friends

We are so blessed to have some great friends in the area.  Our kids always enjoy playing with one another and us mom's have fun too!  I think it would be a crime not to go to the beach at every possible opportunity.  Tod's Point in Greenwich, jets out into the Long Island Sound and so there are some incredible views of the CT coastline.

Stormy day at the beach just digging away.

looking for sea snails.

So carefree.

Quite possible my most favorite photo I've taken of her.

Sunny day spent frolicking. 

Katie loves Jack.

Love these kids.

Frozen Ice Cream after beach is always welcome.

What's summer with out some cold sweets.

Sea Snail.

She sought out some shade with the use of my hat.

The pregnant lady....that being me flagged down the ice cream truck.  He saw me waving and actually turned around and came into the parking lot that we were in.  He said his wife is also pregnant and you have to give a pregnant lady what they want.  I myself was given a free sweet treat!

Their chices.

The troops and I.

Where does she learn to pose like that?!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Summertime Shenanigans

In between summer camp weeks we've been quite busy.  I've been cramming in stuff that we'd typically do over June-July-August into just June-July.  It's been challenging with the heat, schedules and being so pregnant but we've been making it work!  Here's some random photos of what we've been up to during July!

Slip and Slide and Fall down.
Happy Birthday to our friend Jack!

He picked out a new hat to protect his face and shield his eyes from the sun.

Playing castles and puppies on an early morning.
The kids spent so much time in our back yard this year.  We finally have a nice, quiet back yard where they can play independently without me having to be out there every second.  It's nice and shaded most of the afternoon too so I don't constantly need to be washing my hands of the greasy sunscreen that I would otherwise have to apply on them.
Slip N Slide in our backyard.  

After the third time he did it...I had a word with the ice cream truck man.  Did he really need to PARK outside of my home every Friday afternoon at 5pm like clockwork when I'm trying to make a healthy dinner?

Please Mom?!

Getting creative with the toilet paper.

We spent lots of time at local farmers markets.  Most times we didn't buy but one or two things but these squash blossoms looked so pretty and they tasted even better!

More birthday parties to celebrate our friends.  

This particular party had a bounce house.  Katie was in it the entire time!

Our deck definitely got its fair share of usage out of us this summer.  Morning spent having breakfast, lots of lego building, coloring, puzzles, doing our summer workbooks, me reading, kids doing mazes and also card games.

I am protesting him growing!  He wants to be older (cue sideways hat), I want him to stay young (dressed him in Thomas the Train.)

A fest for the eyes....I am one hungry, pregnant Momma!  

Lots of time spent riding bikes and playing hockey.  Here he's taking his bike for a spin sans training wheels.

Playdates... were also pretty regular.  Here is Mikey and Evan (lives across the street) building Legos.  They both L.O.V.E  LEGOS!

Daddy and his three girls.

Every now and again a kid will get a hold of my phone.

Katie getting what she calls a "Huggle" from Daddy.

Daily love between these guys.

Summer time soccer practice.  These two got their very own lesson as they were the only ones who showed up to practice!

We are so blessed to live around such kind and giving people.  Mikey and Katie spent many hours in our neighbor back yard jumping on their trampoline and learning how to play badminton.

My pregnant belly searched for something sweet at Whole Foods and found these caramels made out of coconut milk.  Delicious!
Michael was really mad at me for a reason that escapes me at the moment.  He was so mad that he drew a heart and then an "X" overtop of it to show his discontent with me.  I love the way 5 year olds express themselves.  
Computer time at the library.  Our town library is so cute and has a very colonial and coastal feel to it.

Taking in a summertime reading class at the library on a late evening.

We came upstairs to find this guy asleep in our bed with his little Lego figurines too!

Very rare ice cream sandwiches to get me through a rough day.  Evan came to play which also helped!

Summertime party with friends and a little; I mean tiny pool!

Learning how to play corn hole with the men.

Practicing big sister giving Baby Elise her bottle.

Some grain free, gluten and dairy free chocolate chip cookies. Delicious!

Breakfast for dinner is a sure fire way to ensure there is no complaining at the dinner table.
Fun with friends! They would race down the hill on these over and over and over again.

My kids are always the first to the table.