Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Mothers Day Celebration at School

We had to make it back to school in time for the Mother's Day Celebration.  All of the kids were so excited to give us handmade gifts they made and flowers as well as share some special treats they made as part of a breakfast.  Mikey's class made homemade granola and Katie's class made blueberry muffins.  Everything looked so good!  Although I can't really eat that stuff anymore I did take a small nibble and they were pleased.  

They also sang songs which was so cute!  I had such a fun morning with these two.  They are some of the sweetest kids I know! Happy Mom's Day to all the Mom's out there!

Rascal No. 1 and Rascal No.2

Pretending to be the tough big brother.

Breakfast with Mommies and Friends.

Such goofballs.

A pic. with my two.

Mikey made me a hand painted clay sparkle bracelet with his thumb imprinted and Katie made the same but it was a necklace.  I wear both regularly!  They were so proud of them. :)  Handmade jewelry is the best!
My two. Love. Each. Other.

From Mikey.  It melted my heart.  He even included a face for Baby M at the bottom.  I love how she is included in his family portraits now.

A little frozen treat at Peachwave in New Canaan for lunch.

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