Friday, March 6, 2015

Kids in the Kitchen

My kids are always in the kitchen when I am.   Usually when I am busy making dinner they are sitting at the table, drawing, or doing sand or play-doh or playing with some small toys.

Lately, I have been putting them to work. Literally.

Helping me make the dough for homemade gnocchi.

In the process of making some homemade sweet potato gnocchi.  I was in the mood for pasta but couldn't find any gnocchi on the market that didn't have gluten in it.

They turned out crispy and flavorful! Delicious!

Cutting up strawberries.  I have made the decision to teach them how to use sharp knives. That way they never become something the kids are curious about when I'm not around.

They are deeply focused on not cutting their fingers.

Helping me make some homemade mayo.

Our finished product!

We also made some homemade strawberry jello squares that actually have strawberries in them. Unlike the JELL-O brand.
The recipe can be found (HERE).  The gelatin that is used in them is so good for our bodies.  It has many many benefits.


I also made another version that was a sour blood orange flavor for Scott and I.  The recipe for those can be found (HERE).

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