Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

We did a lot of things over Christmas Break.  The kids had two solid weeks off of school and no sports and Scott took a few days off too so we did a few things locally just to get out of the house and cross some things off our list we wanted to do.

We all got hair cuts, we went sledding, we baked cookies and took the kids out to lunches and a few dinners and we took them to see Big Hero 6 which we all really enjoyed.  Scott and I even snuck in a few dates.  We hosted a play date with Katie's class at our home, played with the kiddos and even a few adult board games.  So nothing crazy but it was nice to slow things down just a bit.

Luncheon play date at our home.

The kids only broke 2 ornaments from the tree.  A success.
Eating a few treats with Hannah, Sophia and Gabby.
She loved getting her hair done.

Counting all the Florida oranges Grandma Bette sent us!

Playing vet with all the animals.

Cookie making time!

This kid gets it everywhere.

Down to the beach to ride our bikes.  We need bikes just to keep up with them!  Seriously, they pedal so fast!

Time for a project!

He was very meticulous with his painting.  Everything meant something and needed to be in just the right spot!  It currently is taking up prime real estate on our fridge.

Michael's Christmas Wish List all drawn out.  Scott took him to see Santa where he explained everything!

We took the kids to Home Depot for a free craft on Saturday.  Today was sled making day.

We had no idea they knew how to use a real hammer and nails.  It took Katie about 20 nail hits for the 1 inch nail to go into the wood.  She refused our help.

He was a natural.

Time to paint them!

Painting all his sections different colors.

They were very focused and now their sleds are used by their stuffed animals.
Playing librarian.

Battleship with this guy.  I thought I had him but he beat me in the end.

Spotting a double rainbow outside the kitchen window.  It was breathtaking!

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