Friday, July 18, 2014

Lake Tobias Wildlife Park

The following day we took the kids to Lake Tobias Wildlife Park. I'm not sure they recovered from Dutch Wonderland the day before but we went nonetheless.  This time we also took our cousin Bryan along.

This is a must see if you are in central PA!!!  We couldn't believe how much fun it was, how friendly the animals were and just how many animals their were.  I'm telling you....don't waste hundreds for a day at Disney's Animal Kingdom....spend $20 and go here instead!!!

They have an awesome safari ride, lots of wild animals and a reptile center with some great shows along with a huge petting zoo and a camel that will spit in your face!

The lion came out to say hi and you could hear his throaty ROAR even from far away.  Pretty awesome and I'm glad I heard it at a zoo.  I'd be so afraid if I hear that sound in the wild!

Our safari bus!

Katie, Mommy and Mikey

Papa and Bryan.

Just an example of how close the animals get to the safari tour bus.



The Daddy Emu's raise all the babies.  They call it Daddy Day Care.

Bison coming right up to the tour bus.  We touched one!

This one tried to get on the bus!

She gave the buffalo a treat and he backed out finally!

Tons and tons of deer.

I forget what they are called but they have the largest horn circumference of all animals.

This elk tried to come on the bus too!

Water buffalo staying cool in the mud.

The little baby emu's.  They looked like little velociraptors.

Petting little pony's.  This was a perfect size for Katie.

the crazy baboon.

The alligator cage.  They had a sign that said if you throw something into their cage, then you will be expected to go in and fetch it!

Very active bears.

This ostrich almost had a go at Bryan's head!

On a working farm too.  The kids loved seeing the farm equipment at work.

Petting zoo time.

This big lump was a huge pig!

This kid just loves goats.  He is always trying to pick them up and hug them.

Up close and personal.  

Please don't spit at me like you did to the other women.

Don't buy the food to feed them.  They are well fed and won't eat it.  

Lots of little baby goats.  They were soooo cute!

Moving grain into the dump truck.

These snakes were moving instead of just sleeping.  So neat to see their entire body gyrate.  

Didn't take much courage for him to touch a real live alligator.  

This looks like a baby alligator however she is 10 years old.  They only grow to fit inside their cage.  She was a pet and had a small cage and so wasn't able to grow to her full potential.  
 Fun Fact:  We stayed for the alligator, sloth and snapping turtle show.  It was so cool.  Did you know that the sloths were made to hang upside down their entire life.  They have no muscle tone so they wouldn't be able to walk upright.  They also give birth while hanging upside down!  Their hair grows from the middle of their belly outwards to allow for rain water to drip off their bodies.  Often times because they move so slow and can't really shake anything off their bodies they have plants that grow on them.
The show with the two toed sloth was so neat.  

A huge snapping turtle.  

 Have you wondered what a sloth looks like when it moves.  Here's a video so you can see.

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