Monday, June 16, 2014


Remember that Nom Nom Paleo cookbook Scott got me for my birthday?  Well the author of that cookbook also has an award winning cooking ipad app.  I downloaded it to find some more really great recipes and navigating around that app, I came across a program called Whole30.

It's a total reset of ones diet and dietary habits.  You can find all of the information about the program on their website (here).  But the creators Melissa and Dallas also wrote a NY Times Best Selling book about it called It Starts with Food.  That I also just finished reading the second time through.  It tells you why to eat a certain way for 30 days.  Which I needed.  I don't just want to be told what to eat but why I should be eating it.

 Anyway, basically for 30 days, I have to cut out:

  • Added Sugar
  • Legumes
  • Dairy
  • Grains
  • Alcohol
  • Nothing processed
They also focus on all the great foods that you are allowed to eat like, meats, fruit, vegetables and healthy fats.

All of these things can contribute to inflammation of the body in one way or another and since I have Crohn's disease, I wanted to give it a try.  Also, last fall I was eating a lot of carbs for my half marathon training and after that race, my training tapered off however I was still eating lots of carbs.  My diet didn't change all that much even though my activity level did.  I found myself increasingly craving processed junk and it was becoming harder and harder to turn it down.  I was hooked on sugar and other gross stuff.  I had mood swings, energy spikes and wanted to nap every afternoon.  Something needed to be done and something drastic.  Bring on the Whole 30!  After the 30 days, I reintroduce these foods and see what reaction I have.  I'm already on day 9 (June 24th) and am loving it and surprisingly I am not missing the foods I've since cut from my diet.

I encourage you to join me and try it out for yourself!

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