Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Summer is heating up

The weather here has been gorgeous and we've started to do some things that we'll be doing all summer long.  Here's a little glimpse of what that is for us.

Running and getting caught in the rain every now and again.

Lobster and time with family.

Did I say lobster?!


...and running around naked.

Being silly.

Our first time at the beach this year.....

....and there is always something new to crabs!

Cooking and giving food to our elderly neighbors teaches the kids a lot.

Homemade peach cobbler with a dollop of fresh whipped cream. 

Spending time at the playground with Nana and Papa.

Silly Nana.

Staying up late and swinging.

Playing make believe and running around without a care in the world.
Farmers Market with a special treat every once in a this lavender and lemon gluten free cupcake.

Flowers galore.

Our peonies are blooming and ....

.....are our first cut of the season.

Playtime with Daddy as soon as he gets home from work.

A sticker chart for Mikey.  He'll have enough stickers to buy a toy soon.

Sleeping by the pool house....

....while the bigger kids swim.
Giving Bailey attention, but hopefully not to much.

freshly laid eggs. 
I can't wait for our summer to begin.  It's going to be filled with sun, water, sand, friends, laughs, sprinklers, fun, treats, great food, family and lots of memories.

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