Friday, May 30, 2014

Playdate with school friends

Today the girls from Katie's class had a play date and lunch at one of the girls homes.  They all had a blast and so did Mikey and the Mommy's too!

Lots of toys to play with in the backyard.

Everyone sitting for lunch.

So many dress up clothes.  I need to get a cape like this for Mikey.

Pip, Lia, Sophia and Katie.  Elly and Hazel were missing.

Getting a good picture of 4 two year olds..... almost.....


At least it was impossible today.

Everyone chasing Mikey.

Yummy lunch for everyone.

It was fun to ride in the wagon.

Walking down the long drive way to the mail box with Minnie, and two super heros!

Mikey wearing a cape and glow in the dark night vision goggles and Katie wearing a heavy velvet cape. Together they were Super hero Mikey and Katie Power!!

Gosh I love these two kids!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Summer is heating up

The weather here has been gorgeous and we've started to do some things that we'll be doing all summer long.  Here's a little glimpse of what that is for us.

Running and getting caught in the rain every now and again.

Lobster and time with family.

Did I say lobster?!


...and running around naked.

Being silly.

Our first time at the beach this year.....

....and there is always something new to crabs!

Cooking and giving food to our elderly neighbors teaches the kids a lot.

Homemade peach cobbler with a dollop of fresh whipped cream. 

Spending time at the playground with Nana and Papa.

Silly Nana.

Staying up late and swinging.

Playing make believe and running around without a care in the world.
Farmers Market with a special treat every once in a this lavender and lemon gluten free cupcake.

Flowers galore.

Our peonies are blooming and ....

.....are our first cut of the season.

Playtime with Daddy as soon as he gets home from work.

A sticker chart for Mikey.  He'll have enough stickers to buy a toy soon.

Sleeping by the pool house....

....while the bigger kids swim.
Giving Bailey attention, but hopefully not to much.

freshly laid eggs. 
I can't wait for our summer to begin.  It's going to be filled with sun, water, sand, friends, laughs, sprinklers, fun, treats, great food, family and lots of memories.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Boston Wedding

We traveled up to Boston for my cousin's wedding.  It was a multi-day affair with the rehearsal dinner, a tour of Boston and the wedding itself.  We stayed at a great hotel right downtown that had a shuttle that would take us just about any place we wanted to go.  In 2009 and 2010 we lived right outside of Boston and I forgot how lively and vibrate that city is.  Such a great place to visit and we had so much fun the entire time we were there.

First stop for lunch was at Legal Sea Foods!  Scott and I had a great dinner here when we were pregnant with Mikey back in 2009 and just had to take the family there.

So much food!  I got the lobster roll and it was so good!

And 5 years later our kids are at Legal Sea Foods too!

Such a pretty view of Boston.

The kids sitting with the cousins on the tour.

The famous Fenway Park.

The yellow line across the road is the finish line of the Boston Marathon.

Here was our tour bus reflecting back at us in the windows.

A tribute to all those who died for our freedom.  Over 37,000 american flags in a park in Boston.

So many flags and they just seem to blend together.

Protests galore in this city.  I think we saw 3 total.

We saw lots of walking tours too.

The beautiful bridge.

These signs and slogan are everywhere.

Street actors.

A half marathon and 5k right in front of our hotel.

Lots and lots and lots of Devon and I planned on running this morning anyway....

.....we hopped right in the race.  We did about 6 miles and then walked the 2 plus miles back to our hotel.

We took the kids for a dip in the hotel pool after my run and before the wedding.

All spiffed up.

Matt, Danny, Scott and my Dad.

Devon and I.

The invite said...dress to impress.

The married couple!  They changed into traditional Chinese clothing for the reception.  Scott and Danny were giving us grief for not allowing them to wear (PJ's) at their reception.

Shirley Temples at special occasions.  She felt so grown up.

Mikey wanted to cheers everyone.

Mikey showing his glow sticks to the bride Leah.

Something funny is going on!

Their cute panda cake.

Listening to speech after speech after speech.  My sister Jamie was a mess as you can see.

Okay, now she's happy again!

Posing for a picture with the hubby and Danny.

This is me scolding the hubby for the face in the above photo.

Okay, now he's behaving!

The kids were hilarious.  They were the only two children at the wedding and were dancing machines.  During dinner they constantly asked when it was time to dance and were talking about dancing with us for days leading up to the wedding.  As soon as the DJ invited everyone to the dance floor we were basically dragged by Mikey and Katie to start dancing!  It was the cutest thing and my sister took some great video of it all!

Let's boogie.
He had some great moves I haven't seen before!

Daddy loved every second of dancing with his princess.  He said he'll never forget it! Awww.

Jamie and Mikey and Amanda and Bryan

Slow dancing with Daddy.  She used up all the slow dances with him.  I didn't get even one!

As you can see we had a blast!

Here's a good shot of the back of my dress!  I loved it!

Katie and Bryan.
 By about 10 o'clock pm and after a solid 30-45 minutes of dancing non-stop it was time for us to head out early.  The kids were exhausted! We hailed a taxi back (we didn't want to wait for the buses that shuttled everyone from place to place).  We all had so much fun!
The kids brought back to the hotel their glow sticks.  It was fun watching them move from bed and slowly stop as the kids fell asleep!

Glow sticks always a hit!  Must remember!