Thursday, April 17, 2014

Bake Sale Time

I have been hustling my little Bunny tail off the week before Easter while we were in PA.  I went to as many stores as possible to see if they would sponsor me or perhaps give me an item or service that I could either raffle off in the future (once I have it planned) or sell for face value.  I got some great feedback from many local store owners, particularly gyms and fitness/equipment stores.  I'm off to a good start.

I also spent 4 hours in the morning with my mom making cupcakes, cookies and brownies for Jamie and my friend Devon to sell at their work.  After doubling the earnings, I've almost made $100!  I'll have to do this a few more times in the coming months and hope to make even more.

This is just the beginning of fundraising for me and I'm trying to work as hard as possible to raise my committed $3500 before I start training.  I don't want to have to worry about raising money and training at the same time if I can help it.

In the future I'm hoping to have a raffle and possibly a restaurant event and an event with the local radio station and I think I even secured Whole Foods to donate 5% of their daily sales to me for a future date to raise money as well as a laundry list of other ideas swirling in my head right now.

Since securing a spot with the CCFA, I am a member of Team Challenge. It's the group of runners who are running in various races across the country.  There are 8 of us running in the NYC Marathon thus far.
They even gave me my own fundraising website:

Easter sprinkles on the cupcakes..

....and some bunnies too!

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