Friday, March 7, 2014


The past few weeks Mikey has been obsessed with tornadoes.  I don't know exactly how this love affair started but it's pretty cute.  He will tell anyone who listens "Hey, you know what.  Tornadoes are in tornado alley.  When warm air meets cold air (and while combining his outstretched arms in front of him makes this explosion sound) it forms a tornado.  We don't have a tornado shelter but we just have to go to the basement."

Everyday after school he asks to go to Stepping Stones to see the "water tornado."

After gym class today where he told every single person there about tornadoes whether they wanted to hear about it or not, we went straight to the library and cleaned them out of all their tornado material.  Literally everything we could find on tornadoes we checked out.

It was pretty perfect timing for him to be this obsessed with tornadoes.  At school this past week and next week they are learning all about "bad weather."  Not just about rain, snow, sleet & ice but also about volcanoes with lava and eruptions, tsunamis, hurricanes, and tornadoes.

I'll take this opportunity to teach him all about tornadoes before he is obsessed with the next thing....whatever that may be.  :)

Our reading material for the next week.  Plus a tornado DVD too!

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